Roadmap Exclusive

Discover a comprehensive business, marketing, and automation course featuring Over
30+ Hours of Videos
in-depth, easy-to-follow designed with beginners in mind.

Introducing The Roadmap Exclusive, a course that leads you through setting up your online business step-by-step.

The Roadmap Exclusive Digital Course is the newest version and most comprehensive course designed to empower entrepreneurs with the strategies and tools needed to navigate the digital landscape successfully and grow their online businesses-OR START A NEW ONE FROM SCRATCH!


The Roadmap Exclusive provides these exact foundational skills and strategies for success to START A NEW BUSINESS as a beginner or allow you to transform the current sales of your products or services into a flourishing, more profit-generating enterprise.

Take this course and gain access to a wealth of knowledge and resources that will enable you to excel in the realm of online marketing. Covering a wide range of topics essential to your success, from creating effective sales funnels and crafting captivating websites to orchestrating impactful email campaigns. If your objective is to generate income online, mastering the art of effectively marketing products or services to specific audiences—while staying ahead of algorithms and trends—is imperative. This course equips you with precisely those skills and more When you invest in The Roadmap Exclusive, you acquire lifetime access to a wealth of online marketing expertise, continuous support, and a dynamic community. And who knows, just like us -maybe you to will also pivot into a whole new venture!


Stay ahead of the curve with our exclusive modular lessons, crafted to give you a competitive edge in online marketing and brand development. Dive into the latest strategies with short, impactful modules designed for fast, effective learning.


When you partner with JP Enterprises, you gain access to our ongoing mentorship and support as you navigate the Roadmap Exclusive course and put your new business strategies into action. We're here to answer questions, offer advice, and celebrate your progress. Our commitment to your success goes far beyond the initial sale—we're thrilled to be a part of your journey and can't wait to see where this path leads you.

Dynamic Partner Affiliate Program

In addition to acquiring valuable knowledge, you will also have the option to share this amazing resource by recommending it to others as a Dynamic Partner. Dynamic Partners earn 80% commission on sales should you choose to increase your earning potential.


"The number of online learners is expected to grow to nearly 60 million people in the near future"(source: Prosperityforall)

"According to estimates, the number of people who take an online course will rise to as many as 57 million people by 2027."

"America's online learning industry will be worth $687 billion by 2025"(Global Industry Analysts Inc.)

What's Exactly inside The Roadmap Exclusive?

Knowledge Bucket

Module 1 - Introduction to the Roadmap Exclusive

Module 2 - Creating your Business  

Module 3 - Marketing your Business in the Digital Age

Skills Bucket

Module 4 - Determine your Expertise 

Module 5 - Building the Core of your Brand 

Module 6 - Building your Automated Sales Process

Module 7 - Building your Automated Follow up System

Module 8 - How to Market, Brand, and Sell to your audience

Resources Bucket

Module 9 - Mindset and traits of a successful business owner

Module 10 - Tools for Solo Entrepreneurs

Module 11 - Building your own written offer

Module 12 - Building your own video based offer

Module 13 - The Basics of Hosting your offer

Network Bucket

Module 14 - Showcasing the power of Community

Reputation Bucket

Module 15 - Scaling your Offer with Customer Service and CLV

Module 16 - Understanding the Depth of your Brand 

Module 17 - Long Term Marketing with Compliance

Bonus Content

How to use LinkedIN

How to use Facebook 

How to use TikTok

How to use Instagram 

How to use Pinterest 

How to use Blogging 

How to use YouTube

Additional Tools to grow your business 

How to use Canva

How to use Affiliate Marketing 

 How to Edit with CapCut  

Additional Course Hosting Platform Options 

How to Host on Skool 

How to Host on Kajab 

How to Become a Dynamic Partner - Affiliate Program

DISCLAIMER: Roadmap Exclusive Affiliate Agreement

You will have to sign the Affiliate Agreement between you (the Buyer) and Changing Courses 11 LLC (Creators of Roadmap Exclusive) You will have to maintain the integrity of the course & all their guidelines. We're here to educate, it's that simple. Let's get started! You can view the Agreement & Policies on the next page